Rachel Hoffman

Rachel Hoffman completed her BA studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2009, later receiving there her MA in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in 2012. Her MA thesis investigated the different Muslim traditions on the conquest of Jerusalem in 638 CE, and showed their development in correspondence to the evolution of the Muslim state, first under the Umayyads and later the Abbasids. Since 2014 she has been pursuing her PhD studies at the Hebrew University, under the guidance of Prof. Reuven Amitai. Her dissertation focuses on the hisba, market inspection, in Greater Syria during the Mamluk period. Relying on 14th century chronicles and theoretic legal literature, the dissertation will show the transition from the theoretic to the practical implementation of Islamic Law and sultanic policy. From 2016 to 2017 she was a research fellow at the ERC project Mobility "Empire and Cross Cultural Contacts in Mongol Eurasia" led by Prof. Michal Biran.